Maksure Invests in Weather and Climate Monitoring Equipment

Maksure Risk Solutions has started the new decade with strong focus and commitment to weather and climate matters. The company has announced its investment of more than half a million rand in the construction of a best in its class futuristic weather station to be based in the Gauteng region. The investment is believed to improve early warning systems against extreme weather and support climate change adaptation.

ā€œThis investment is reaching out to our insurance and reinsurance clients as well as exposed populations in order to strengthen awareness, save lives and reduce the impact of extreme weather and climate-related disasters. Early warning systems are an essential part of climate change adaptation,ā€ said Simba Makwembere Managing Director at Maksure Risk Solutions.

Our insurance and reinsurance clients will benefit. Through data and early warning systems, our reinsurance clients will be able to build resilient portfolios as they are able to model their risks better backed by actual weather and scientific data. Our retail clients which include motor, household, agriculture and SME clients will also be receiving weather data as well as weather warnings days or hours before a risky weather events.

Mr. Knighty Mawere, COO added that the retail clients will receive SMS notifications on their cellphones as well as various social media platforms including the Maksure website.

The weather station is expected to be fully functional by end of the first quarter as the project is now at implementation stage. The station will provide data related to temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, solar radiation, leaf wetness and atmospheric pressure among others. The output will also be fed into third party systems as well as development of historical climatic data for forecasting and weather modelling.