
Maksure Walks Away with the Best-Established Black Business Award at the BBQ AWARDS: South Africa's Premier Black Business Awards...


We provide insurance cover for motor vehicle, building and household contents, personal liability and travel. We also offer cover for third party, fire and theft.



We are inspired to assist our clients to tackle underwriting and capital management objectives for start-up and mature insurance companies.



Maksure Risk Solutions Life & Healthcare specialty team offers unmatched technical expertise, market knowledge and networks that enables our clients to offer superior products and optimize their capital management.

Life & Health


We are a major player in Risk Financing and Captive Management in South Africa, Mauritius, Bermuda and various other jurisdictions. Our specialist team is geared to structure and place both onshore and offshore captives for our clients.

Risk Financing


MakCat® (Maksure Risk Solutions Proprietary Catastrophe Model) is an advanced analytics tool developed specifically for Southern Africa to scientifically assist our clients manage challenges of underwriting, pricing, reserving and catastrophe management.

Actuarial Consulting

About Maksure Risk Solutions

Maksure Risk Solutions is an Afro-Global independent specialist insurance and reinsurance broker with business footprint in Africa, Asia, East & Western Europe, South America and the Caribbean.

We provide innovative and tailor-made risk solutions in Insurance and Reinsurance as well as Risk Financing and Actuarial Consulting geared towards capital management and strengthening our client’s balance sheet.

Message from the Managing Director

It brings me great pleasure to say that since inception, Maksure Risk Solutions has grown from a modest operation into an Afro-global insurance and reinsurance broking powerhouse, ranking among the leading broking firms on the African continent with client footprint in more than 45 African countries, Europe, Middle East, south east Asia, Caribbean and the Americas.

As an iconic insurance and reinsurance solutions provider, we have expanded our services to bring a powerful combination of ancillary services of actuarial consulting as well as risk financing to ensure that our clients receive world class end to end insurance solutions delivered in a simple manner.

Our outstanding track record over the last half decade in providing unmatched service and solutions has earned us trust with our clients. We have also forged world class partnerships with some of the most trusted specialist insurance and reinsurance groups around the globe.