Afro Energy Insurance for Offshore and Onshore Risks

We draw our expert energy insurance skills from our network offices and we are backed up by market-leading capacity worldwide.

Our client base and expertise is diverse, spanning upstream, midstream and downstream organizations and operations:


exploration, development and production assets and activities

  • production platforms
  • mobile offshore drilling units
  • floating production storage off-loading units
  • offshore construction activities


  • transportation by pipeline or vessel
  • gathering, separation and storage


  • refineries
  • chemical and petrochemical plants
  • gas works
  • terminals and tank farms
  • underground storage
  • chemical fertiliser plants

For more information regarding this product, contact our Chief Operating Officer, Mr Knighty Mawere at +27 11 805 0086.

About Maksure Risk Solutions

Maksure Risk Solutions is an Afro-Global independent specialist insurance and reinsurance broker with business footprint in Africa, Asia, East & Western Europe, South America and the Caribbean. We provide innovative and tailor-made risk solutions in Insurance and Reinsurance as well as Risk Financing and Actuarial Consulting geared towards capital management and strengthening our client’s balance sheet. Maksure is also one of the major players in Captive Management (Establishment & Management) in South Africa, Mauritius, Bermuda and various other jurisdictions. We are have access into the Lloyds of London with a deep understanding of African markets. Our global nature ensures that our clients access quality capacity as well as some of the world’s latest thinking and solutions.

Downstream Onshore Energy and Power Insurance


Our onshore energy solutions provide coverage for downstream energy, midstream energy and power generation risks.

Coverages provided to the onshore assets of our clients include but not limited to:

All risk property damage, boiler explosion/machinery breakdown and resulting time element caused by a vapour cloud explosion, a fire, or a natural catastrophe like wind, earthquake and flood.

Our underwriting is based on prudent product development through the application of appropriate technical underwriting discipline.

Our focus is to be an Afro global recognized market leader providing specialty lines products and services for the Energy sector.   Our team of highly experienced brokers, engineers and claim staff provide the highest levels of customer service to our clients through our expertise, trust and transparency.

Client Profiles

Our client’s risks vary from single locations to multinational companies with a global spread of risk.

  • Electric utilities principally engaged in generating, transmitting or distributing electric power.
  • Electric utilities include investor-owned utilities, publicly owned utilities, municipalities or cooperatives.
  • Additionally: refineries, petrochemical plants, gas companies, pipelines and storage terminals.

Typical Information Required

  • Schedule of values (by location)
  • Five-year loss record
  • Policy terms/coverages required
  • Location engineering information and surveys

Benefits & Services

  • Our engineering team provides risk based inspection solutions for power utilities, mining & oil and gas

Rail Transport & Locomotives Solutions

Maksure Risk Solutions rail transport and locomotives solutions are promoted by the engineering team serving as our trusted specialists. We design and broker for railway systems across Asia, Africa and the Middle East regions.

We provide tailor made insurance covers for the entire rail industry sphere of business, including all passenger services, all classes of freight, and all financial and operational stakeholders. Our workable solutions and services help mitigate and transfer risk for industry participants such as:

  • Passenger railways, including high speed, regional, urban, and commuter.
  • Infrastructure owners and managers, including public agencies sponsoring rail services.
  • Operations and maintenance concessionaires.
  • Long-haul and shortline freight rail operators.
  • Rail logistics, terminal, and switching operators.
  • Rolling stock and product manufacturers.
  • Railcar leasing (lessors and lessees).
  • Professional services companies supplying railway design and management services, equity partners in rail special purpose vehicles (SPVs) and joint ventures (JVs), and construction contractors.
  • Locomotive and railcar repair services.
  • Track and signal maintenance contractors.
  • Industry trade associations.

We work with our clients to develop and implement system planning, work processes, and employee behavior improvement programs to create an underlying “culture of safety” designed to reduce out-of-pocket losses as well as insurance claims. Rail companies, public agencies, and industry organisations rely on Maksure Risk Solutions for thought leadership, best practices, and practical solutions to today’s toughest issues.

For more information regarding this product, contact our Chief Operating Officer, Mr Knighty Mawere at +27 11 805 0086.

About Maksure Risk Solutions

Maksure Risk Solutions is an Afro-Global independent specialist insurance and reinsurance broker with business footprint in Africa, Asia, East & Western Europe, South America and the Caribbean. We provide innovative and tailor-made risk solutions in Insurance and Reinsurance as well as Risk Financing and Actuarial Consulting geared towards capital management and strengthening our client’s balance sheet. Maksure is also one of the major players in Captive Management (Establishment & Management) in South Africa, Mauritius, Bermuda and various other jurisdictions. We have access into the Lloyds of London with a deep understanding of African markets. Our global nature ensures that our clients access quality capacity as well as some of the world’s latest thinking and solutions.

Reinsurtech – Maksure Enhances IT software

Maksure Risk Solutions has successfully completed an eighteen months information technology project that integrated it’s retail and reinsurance softwares. The project was ground breaking as it brought ‘the best of both worlds’ for the common cause of managing both the retail and reinsurance business more efficiently. The new system, dubbed, Maksys is believed to redefine the administration of reinsurance business into the future as it has managed to extract inefficiencies associated with managing facultative reinsurance placement.

The enhanced system brings the capability of the retail system that is able to handle volumes of micro transactions while taking advantage of a well-orchestrated accounting capability drawn from the reinsurance platform. This unique capability positions Maksure Risk Solutions to be able to provide exceptional service in the facultative and treaty markets.

“We believe our enhanced state-of-the-art system will bring tangible gains in terms of efficiency to our clients and partners” said Mr. Simba Makwembere, Managing Director at Maksure Risk Solutions. We believe that our enhanced system will further strengthen our leading position as best administration and technical accounting team in the region, he added.

The system provides an end to end administration platform for reinsurance business and has the following functionality:

  • Contract management module
  • Claims management module
  • Technical management module
  • Statistics module
  • Reports module

For more information regarding our services and capability, contact our Chief Operating Officer, Mr Knighty Mawere at +27 11 805 0086.

About Maksure Risk Solutions

Maksure Risk Solutions is an Afro-Global independent specialist insurance and reinsurance broker with business footprint in Africa, Asia, East & Western Europe, South America and the Caribbean. We provide innovative and tailor-made risk solutions in Insurance and Reinsurance as well as Risk Financing and Actuarial Consulting geared towards capital management and strengthening our client’s balance sheet. Maksure is also one of the major players in Captive Management (Establishment & Management) in South Africa, Mauritius, Bermuda and various other jurisdictions. We are have access into the Lloyds of London with a deep understanding of African markets. Our global nature ensures that our clients access quality capacity as well as some of the world’s latest thinking and solutions.